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Impact on Student Learning

My action research/plan impacted student learning by increasing their overall math achievement and engagement. While implementing my action plan, I was able to observe many ways the math workshop model positively impacted students' learning. Throughout all the rotations, students were engaged and utilized their skills learned. Before I incorporated the math workshop, my students struggled to explain the strategies used to solve a math problem. Some students had a difficult time with using an appropriate strategy. During the study, students learned and practiced many different addition strategies. Utilizing a math workshop provided opportunities to purposefully group students and design lessons that were developmentally-appropriate for each group. My students learned best during math workshop modeling because of the fewer distractions and more individualized attention during instruction. The math workshop model allowed students to complete more hands-on activities. This would not have been easily incorporated if I had taught whole group. Students were able to collaborate with their peers and explain the strategies being used. Students seemed to enjoy the math games because they had a better sense on numbers.  This showed me that students were learning and understanding math. By using informal and formal assessments, I was able to see a large amount of growth in student achievement. Small group instruction to teach students at their level, was fundamentally important in allowing all of my students to grow. Students were given multiple exposures to each strategy which allowed them to remember the strategy and have an impact on their achievement.

Impact on Current Teaching & Professional Growth

The experience of implementing action research impacted my current teaching in many different ways. I will continue to use the math workshop model throughout the end of my teaching. I cannot see myself teaching whole group math every day ever again. Collecting and analyzing data has had an incredible impact on my current teaching. I have always wanted to use data to drive my instruction, but honestly didn't know where to start.  My action plan gave me the opportunity to do this. I was able to collect data and then analyze that data to make further instructional decisions. I was able to deal with my many different resources to help me along the way because of CADRE. As a result, I am now using data and excited for it to drive my instruction. I no longer worry so much about sticking to the curriculum and the activities in the book. I am more focused on providing instruction and activities that fill the different needs of my students and continue to keep them engaged throughout the lesson.

Implementing my action research  has caused me to grow professionally in numerous ways. I learned to research and implement best practice instruction. I now am able to collect and analyze my own data in order to modify instruction based on my students. My action plan has also caused me to be more confident in seeking advice from experienced teachers. Before my action plan, I was too shy to ask other teachers for advice. However, throughout my study, I found myself asking my teaching partner, associate, and other resources around the building many questions. Not only did I gain knowledge by asking for help, but my students also benefitted greatly. I learned that collaborating with colleagues is a strength when it comes to meeting the needs of all students.

Next Step

I plan to continue to use math stations in the future as I feel they are the best way to meet all students' needs. I want to introduce math stations at the beginning of the year while teaching everyday routines and expectations. Next year, I plan on using all the same rotations. I want to incorporate a mini lesson before we break into groups. During this study's experiment, I felt rushed with time, so we quickly did a whole group math warm up. I feel like I will be more comfortable with the curriculum next year. I will implement more hands-on activities that relate more to the concept being taught. I will continue to use technology in the classroom to enhance students' fact fluency, but I plan on utilizing different math applications. Moving forward, I plan on introducing students to more math related technology tools. If my students are more aware of the different tools, they will have a choice on what they want to do during the technology rotation. This will allow them to continue being engaged throughout the year. Moving forward, I would like to complete more research on each individual rotation. I want to learn more about each rotation and how teachers have best utilized the time during math rotations. Furthermore, I now know I am capable of completing research to better my instruction, make a plan, implement the plan, collect student data, evaluate the data, and finally use the data to positively impact my future students.

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